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KIT Yeast Groupでは、出芽酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiaeを用いて実験を行なっています。出芽酵母は、ワインや日本酒などの酒類、パン、バイオ燃料などを製造する際に使われており、我々の生活と非常に深いつながりを持つ有用微生物の1つです。国内関連産業規模は8兆円にものぼる、経済・産業的にも重要な生きものです。また、ヒトと多くの代謝メカニズムが共通する上、真核生物で最初にゲノム配列が解読されたため、真核細胞のモデル生物として世界中で幅広く研究に用いられています。私たちは国内外のビックラボにはないユニークな視点を大事にして、基礎研究と応用研究の両方に励んでいます。


KIT Yeast Group members are doing research using mainly budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast is deeply involved in our daily life because it is quite useful for making wine, Japanese sake, bread, biofuel, etc. Additionally, yeast is a very useful and simple model organism for basic life science. Yeast has the similar metabolic system with human being and S. cerevisiae is the first eukaryote in which sequencing of genome DNA was completed (1996). Therefore, we can easily access to tons of valuable information from the database and lots of scientists all over the world are using yeast system. We are everyday struggling to find something new in both basic and applied scientific fields with our own unique approach.


ストレス応答におけるmRNA flux

 酵母を始めとする真核生物では、ストレスによって翻訳が阻害されると非翻訳状態のmRNAがP-bodyやstress granule (SG)とよばれるmRNP granuleに隔離されます。これらの構造体には、mRNAの分解や翻訳の制御あるいは非翻訳状態のmRNAの隔離などの役割があると考えられていますが、形成が誘導される条件を含めて、不明な点が多く残っています。 



mRNA flux in stress responses

In eukaryotes including yeast, translational inhibition causes the segregation of non-translated mRNA in the cytoplasmic mRNP granules called P-bodies and stress granules (SGs).

It is considered that mRNP granules regulate the mRNA decay, translation, or segregation of non-translated mRNAs in the cytoplasm, however, which are still mysterious, including the conditions that induce their formation.

We revealed that the translational repression and the formation of P-bodies and SGs were induced by ethanol stress or fermentation inhibitors such as acids, vanillin, and furfural derived from lignocellulosic biomass.

Now, we are studying the molecular mechanisms: which, how, and when mRNAs are segregated in the P-bodies and SGs.


Y. Yamauchi, S. Izawa (2016) Prioritized expression of BTN2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under pronounced translation repression induced by severe ethanol stress. Front. Microbiol., 7:1319

Y. Ishida, TTM. Nguyen, S. Kitajima, and S. Izawa (2016) Prioritized expression of BDH2 under bulk translational repression and its contribution to tolerance to severe vanillin stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Frontiers Microbiol.

TTM. Nguyen, A. Iwaki, and S. Izawa (2015) The ADH7 promoter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is vanillin-inducible and enables mRNA translation under severe vanillin stress. Frontiers Microbiol, Frontiers Microbiol.

Y. Yamamoto and S. Izawa (2013) Adaptive response in stress granule formation and bulk translational repression upon a combined stress of mild heat shock and mild ethanol stress in yeast. Genes Cells, 18(11), 974-84.

A. Iwaki, S. Ohnuki, Y. Suga, S. Izawa and Y. Ohya (2013) Vanillin Inhibits Translation and Induces Messenger Ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) Granule Formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Application and Validation of High-Content, Image-Based Profiling. PLoS ONE, 8(4), e61748.

A. Iwaki, T. Kawai, Y. Yamamoto, and S. Izawa (2013) Biomass conversion inhibitors, furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, induce the formation of mRNP granules and attenuate translation activity in yeast. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 79(5), 1661-7.

Iwaki and S. Izawa (2012) Acidic stress induces the formation of P-bodies but not stress granules with mild attenuation of bulk translation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochem J.,446(2), 225-33.

K. Kato, Y. Yamamoto, and S. Izawa (2011) Severe ethanol stress induces assembly of stress granules in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast, 28 (5), 339-347


 出芽酵母のHsp30pは、細胞膜上に局在する7回膜貫通型のヒートショックプロテインです。熱ショックストレス以外にもエタノールストレスや酢酸ストレス処理によって発現が誘導されます。Hsp30pのN末端に存在するシグナルペプチ ド領域内には、N-型糖鎖付加のモチーフと一致する配列Asn-Asp-Thrがあります。これまで糖鎖修飾を実際に確認した報告はなく、細胞膜上での局在状態などタンパク質レベルの情報も限定的でした。私たちは、Hsp30pが実際に糖鎖修飾を受けることを確認したのですが、興味深いことに、周囲の環境や温度の変化に依存して糖鎖修飾が生じたり生じなかったりすることを新たに見出しました (Kamo et al., 2012)。Hsp30pの場合は42˚C以上のシビアな熱ショックストレス などではN型糖鎖修飾されたHsp30pの発現が誘導され、さらにストレス耐性を賦与する能力にも違いが確認されました。細胞内にはHsp30p以外にも、ストレスや温度に応答して糖鎖修飾パターンが変化するタンパク質がまだまだ存在していると私たちは予想して、ほかの膜タンパク質についても網羅的な解析を進めています。



Plasma membrane-bound

                heat shock protein : Hsp30 and Mhr1 / Yro2

Hsp30 of S. cerevisiae is a heat shock protein localized in the plasma membrane. The HSP30 expression is induced by not only heat shock but also ethanol stress and acetic acid. Hsp30 has seven transmembrane domains and a sequence N-D-T that matches the motif of N-type glycosylation at the N-terminus.

Although Hsp30 was actually glycosylated, we found that the glycosylation of Hsp30 depends on the changes in the surrounding environment and temperature; i.e., the glycosylation can be induced by more than 42˚C heat shock (Kamo et al., 2012). Furthermore, we found glycosylation affect the functions of Hsp30. We speculate that other membrane proteins might change their glycosylation patterns depending on the situation.

We have analyzed the functions of other membrane proteins Mrh1 and Yro2. They have the similar amino acid sequence and structure with Hsp30. We found that the MRH1 expression was constitutive but the YRO2 expression is acetic acid responsive. Aditionally, yeast can distinguishing acetic acid and lactic acid, and Mrh1 and Yro2 are essential for a good alcoholic fermentation under acidic condition.


A. Takabatake, N. Kawazoe, and S. Izawa (2015) Plasma membrane proteins Yro2 and Mrh1 are required for acetic acid tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.,99 (6), 2805–2814.

R. Kubo, K. Ohta, S. Funakawa, N. Kitabatake, S. Araki, and S. Izawa (2014) Isolation of lactic-acid tolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae from Cameroonian alcoholic beverage. J. Biosci. Bioeng.,118 (6), 657-660.

K. Kamo, A. Takabatake, Y. Inoue, and S. Izawa (2012) Temperature dependent N-glycosylation of plasma membrane heat shock protein Hsp30p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.,420(1),119-123.




Analysis of selective translational regulation

The cellular translation is severely inhibited by glucose starvation, ethanol, and vanillin. Thus, it is considered that only limited mRNAs, which are essential to survive under severe stress conditions, can be transported from the nuclear to the cytoplasm for translation. We identified and are characterizing mRNAs that are preferentially translated under severe ethanol or vanillin stress conditions, and studying molecular mechanisms underlying the selective translation of mRNAs. In addition, we are applying these mechanisms for the improvement of yeast fermentation abilities and the efficiency of bioethanol production.

Y. Yamauchi, S. Izawa (2016) Prioritized expression of BTN2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under pronounced translation repression induced by severe ethanol stress. Front. Microbiol., 7:1319

Y. Ishida, TTM. Nguyen, S. Kitajima, and S. Izawa (2016) Prioritized expression of BDH2 under bulk translational repression and its contribution to tolerance to severe vanillin stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Frontiers Microbiol.

TTM. Nguyen, A. Iwaki, and S. Izawa (2015) The ADH7 promoter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is vanillin-inducible and enables mRNA translation under severe vanillin stress. Frontiers Microbiol.

T. Nguyen, S. Kitajima, and S. Izawa (2014) Importance of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase(G6PDH) for vanillin tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 118 (3), 263-269.

T. Nguyen, A. Iwaki, Y. Ohya, and S. Izawa (2014) Vanillin causes the activation of Yap1 and mitochondrial fragmentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J.Biosci.Bioeng., 117,33-38.

A. Iwaki, S. Ohnuki, Y. Suga, S. Izawa and Y. Ohya (2013) Vanillin inhibits translation and induces messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) granule formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: application and validation of high-content, image-based profiling. PLoS ONE, 8(4), e61748.

A. Iwaki, T. Kawai, Y. Yamamoto, and S. Izawa (2013) Biomass conversion inhibitors, furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, induce the formation of mRNP granules and attenuate translation activity in yeast. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 79(5), 1661-1667.


微生物の殺菌方法としては、高圧蒸気や放射線、酸化エチレンガスなどが広く用いられています。しかし、高温や照射に伴う材質の劣化、有害物質の残留といった問題点を有しているため、生鮮食品などの熱に弱く安全性が求められる物への利用は困難です。これらの問題を解決するために、大気圧低温プラズマ(Atomospheric Pressure Low Temperature Plasma, APLTP)に着目して研究を進めています。APLTPによる殺菌は、プラズマの発生に伴って生じる活性酸素種が大きく寄与するとされていますが、作用機構についての知見はまだまだ少ないのが現状です。我々は電子工学系の高橋研究室と共同で、細胞に対する作用機構を詳細に研究しています。


Applied research of Cold Atmospheric pressure Plasma (CAP) for food hygiene

High-pressure steam, ethylene oxide gas, radiation, and UV irradiation are frequently used as sterilization methods. However, these methods cause problems such as the deterioration of the material due to the high temperature or irradiation and the residual of hazardous substances. So, they are not applicable to fresh foodstuff that is susceptible to heat and requires safety.

 In order to solve the problem, we have focused on CAP (Cold Atmospheric pressure Plasma). CAP seems better in free from fears of toxic residues and thermal denature. CAP causes generation of reactive oxidative species (ROS) and it is considered that ROS mainly related to the inactivation of microorganisms. However, available information about the working mechanism of CAP is not sufficient and further study is necessary to clarify it. Therefore, using budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we observed cellular responses to CAP treatment and analyzed the sterilization mechanisms of CAP in collaboration with Dr. TAKAHASHI (laboratory of electronic engineering).

K. Itooka, K. Takahashi and S. Izawa (2016) Fluorescence microscopic analysis of antifungal effects of cold atmospheric pressure plasma in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.(in press)







Study on the mechanisms of cellular response to harmful substances :

trans-fatty acids and causative factors of sick-building syndrome

Since Saccharomyces cerevisiae has the similar metabolic and signaling system with mammals, yeast is a very useful model organism to clarify the cellular response to the harmful substances. We are focusing on trans-fatty acids and causative factors of sick-building syndrome. Trans-fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids in trans configuration, are not present in natural vegetable oils. However, they are formed in the process of making hydrogenated oils such as margarine and shortening, and included in cookies, doughnuts, and french fries. Since it is considered that excess intake of trans-fatty acids increases the risk of coronary heart disease, lots of countries restrict to use them as food ingredients. Although the epidemiological studies about trans-fatty acids have been well carried out, their physiological effects at the cellular and molecular levels are poorly understood. In contrast to mammal cells that require various nutrients, yeast cells can grow in the medium containing fatty acids as a sole carbon source. Therefore, influence of fatty acids can be much more directly and clearly elucidated in yeast cells than mammalian cells. We clarified that oleic acid (cis-9 18:1) and elaidic acid (trans-9 18:1) cause the distinct response in gene expression, membrane property, metabolic activity, and lipotoxicity in yeast cells. Additionally, we have collected the new information about the physiological effects of causative factors of sick-building syndrome.


T. Nakamura et al. (2016) Trans 18-Carbon Monoenoic Fatty Acid Has Distinct Effects from Its Isomeric cis Fatty Acid on Lipotoxicity and Gene Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.(in press)

N. Yoshimoto, T. Kawai, and S. Izawa et al. (2015) Cellular response to xylen stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (in preparation)


細胞膜上の膜脂質やタンパク質は均一な状態で散らばっているわけではなく、局所的に集まってドメイン構造を作ることが知られており、情報伝達やストレス応答において重要な役割を担っていると考えられています。我々はS. cerevisiaeの細胞膜マイクロドメインの一つであるMCC (membrane compartment of Can1)とeisosomeにおけるストレス応答について解析しています。シグナル伝達系の役割や膜流動性の物理的変動などを電子顕微鏡や蛍光顕微鏡などを用いて盆暮れ正月返上の年中無休で解析しています。詳細はまだヒ・ミ・ツです♥︎


Stress response of plasma membrane microdomains

In the plasma membrane, lipids and proteins do not distribute uniformly but assemble and form the specific area called " microdomains ". It is considered that microdomains play an important role involved in signal transduction or stress response. We are studying about stress response of MCC (membrane compartment of Can1)/eisosome that is one of microdomains in S.cerevisiae. We are investigating the roles of signal transduction and physical variation of membrane fluidity by fluorescent microscope or electron microscope. Please wait more details in our next report♡


T. Watanabe*, S. Homoto*, and S. Izawa (2015) Hyperosmotic stress response of the plasma membrane microdomains in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (in preparation)


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