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Journal club 2015


  • Swinnen S, Schaerlaekens K, Pais T, Claesen J, Hubmann G, Yang Y, Demeke M, Foulquié-Moreno MR, Goovaerts A, Souvereyns K, Clement L, Dumortier F, Thevelein JM. (2013) Identification of novel causative genes determining the complex trait of high ethanol tolerance in yeast using pooled-segregant whole-genome sequence analysis. Genome Research. 22(5):975-84.「高濃度エタノール耐性を示す形質に関わる遺伝子の同定」…高濃度エタノール耐性をもつ酵母を用いたSNP解析およびQTLによって、エタノール耐性に関与するMKT1,SWS2,APJ1遺伝子を同定した。

  • Haimovich G1, Medina DA, Causse SZ, Garber M, Millán-Zambrano G, Barkai O, Chávez S, Pérez-Ortín JE, Darzacq X, Choder M.(2013) Gene expression is circular: factors for mRNA degradation also foster mRNA synthesis.Cell.153, 1000-1011. 「遺伝子の発現はサイクルしており、mRNAの分解はmRNAの」…mRNA分解因子であるXrn1がmRNAの分解だけでなく転写の制御にも関わっていることを示唆した論文。

  • Kraut-Cohen J, Afanasieva E, Haim-Vilmovsky L, Slobodin B, Yosef I, Bibi E, Gerst JE. (2013) Translation- and SRP-independent mRNA targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum in the yeast Saccharomycescerevisiae. Mol Biol Cell. 24(19), 3069-84. 「種々のmRNAが、翻訳やSRP非依存的にERに向かう」… 従来、分泌・膜タンパク質をコードするmRNA (mSMP)のERターゲッティングはSRPの働きによるものと考えられていたが、顕微鏡解析によりその局在がSRP非依存的であり、且つ、mSMP以外のあらゆるmRNAがERターゲッティングを起こしていることを示唆した論文。

  • Nicole Robbins, Michelle d. Leach, and Leah E. Cowen (2012) Lysine Deacethylases Hda1 and Rpd3 Regulate Hsp90 Function thereby Governing Fungal Drug resistance. Cell Reports. 2878-888「リジンデアセチラーゼHda1とRpd3はHsp90の機能を制御し、薬剤耐性にも影響を与える」…哺乳類ではHsp90がアセチル化されると機能が変化するので更に酵母で分子的機序を検討したところ、Hsp90による薬剤耐性ではKDACによる脱アセチル化が関与し、標的タンパク質活性化にも必要であることを示した論文。

  • Sinturel F, Navickas A, Wery M, Descrimes M, Morillon A, Torchet C, Benard L. (2015) Cytoplasmic Control of Sense-Antisense mRNA Pairs. Cell Rep. 12(11), 1853-64.

  • Knoblach B, Rachubinski RA.(2015) Transport and retention mechanisms govern lipid droplet inheritance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Traffic. 16(3):298-309 「娘細胞への分配される脂肪滴はcERと結合しており、ミオシンタンパク質によって輸送される」…娘細胞への脂肪滴の輸送は他のオルガネラと同様に、ミオシンタンパク質によって制御されることから、一つの立派なオルガネラとして制御されることを示唆した論文。

  • Piña FJ, Niwa M.(2015) The ER Stress Surveillance (ERSU) pathway regulates daughter cell ER protein aggregate inheritance.elife 4:e06970 「小胞体ストレス監視経路ERSU経路は娘細胞への小胞体タンパク質凝集体の輸送を調節している」…損傷したcERが娘細胞に輸送されるのを防ぐために働くERSU経路は小胞体タンパク質凝集体の輸送も調節していることを示した論文。

  • Chuankai Zhou, Brian D. Slaughter, Jay R. Unruh, Fengli Guo, Zulin Yu, Kristen Mickey, Akshay Narkar, Rhonda Trimble Ross, Melainia McClain and Rong Li.(2015) Organelle-Based Aggregation and Retention of Damaged Proteins in Asymmetrically Dividing Cells.Cell. 159, 530–542 「非対称な分裂を行う細胞での損傷を受けたタンパク質の細胞小器官に基づく凝集と継承について」タンパク質の凝集体を様々な種顕微鏡を用いてひたすら追跡した論文で細胞小器官へのタンパク質凝集体の結合は、娘細胞の状態管理に寄与していると述べています。

  • Niv Dobzinski, Silvia G. Chuartzman, Rachel Kama, Maya Schuldiner, Jeffrey E. Gerst.(2015) Starvation-Dependent Regulation of Golgi Quality Control Links the TOR Signaling and Vacular Protein Sorting Patheways. Cell resports. 12, 1876-1886  「飢餓条件に依存したTORシグナリングや液胞のタンパク質のm

  • Stradalova V, Blazikova M, Grossmann G, Opekarová M, Tanner W, Malinsky J(2012) Distribution of cortical endoplasmic reticulum determines positioning of endocytic events in yeast plasma membrane. PLoS one. 7, 4 




  • ROBERT W. WALTERS, DENISE MUHLRAD, JENNIFER GARCIA, ROY PARKER.(2015) Differential effects of Ydj1 and Sis1 on Hsp70-mediated clearance of stress granules in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RNA. 21,1-12

  • Cyrielle Reisser, Cynthia Dick, Leonid Kruglyak, David Botstein, Joseph Schacherer, David C. Hess.(2013) Genetic Basis of Ammonium Toxicity Resistance in a Sake Strain of Yeast: A Mendelian Case. G3.3, 733-740

  • Takuto Nishimoto. Masakazu Furuta. Michihiko Kataoka. Masao Kishida. (2015) Important Role of Catalase in the Cellular Response
    of the Budding Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Exposed to Ionizing Radiation. Curr Microbiol.70, 404-407

  • Halyna M. Semchyshyn & Liudmyla M. Lozinska.(2012) Fructose protects baker’s yeast against peroxide stress:potential role of catalase and superoxide dismutase. FEMS Yeast Res.12, 761-773

  • Vincent R. Richardy, Adam Beach, Amanda Piano, Anna Leonov, Rachel Feldman, Michelle T. Burstein, Pavlo Kyryakov,Alejandra Gomez-Perez, Anthony Arlia-Ciommo, Stefanie Baptista, Cory Campbell, Daniel Goncharov, Sonia Pannu,Dimitri Patrinos, Behnaz Sadri, Veronika Svistkova, Andrew Victor, and Vladimir I Titorenko. (2014) Mechanism of liponecrosis, a distinct mode of

  • programmed cell death. Cell Cycle 13:23, 1-20

  • Hsu CL, Prasad R, Blackman C, Ng DT. (2012) Endoplasmic reticulum stress regulation of the Kar2p/BiP chaperone alleviates proteotoxicity via dual degradation pathways. Mol Biol Cell.23(4):630-41

  • Rodrigo Baltanás, Alan Bush, Alicia Couto,Lucía Durrieu,Stefan Hohmann, Alejandro Colman-Lerner. (2013) Pheromone-Induced Morphogenesis Improves Osmoadaptation Capacity by Activating the HOG MAPK Pathway.Science Signaling. 6(272), pp. ra26.    

  • Kershaw CJ, Costello JL, Castelli LM, Talavera D, Rowe W, Sims PF, Ashe MP, Hubbard SJ, Pavitt GD, Grant CM. (2015) The yeast La related protein Slf1p is a key activator of translation during the oxidative stress response. PLoS Genet. 11, e1004903.

  • Schmidt C, Athenstaedt K, Koch B, Ploier B, Korber M, Zellnig G, Daum G. (2014) Defects in triacylglycerol lipolysis affect synthesis of triacylglycerols and steryl esters in the yeast. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1842, 1393-402.

  • Manford AG, Stefan CJ, Yuan HL, Macgurn JA, Emr SD. (2012) ER-to-plasma membrane tethering proteins regulate cell signaling and ER morphology. Dev Cell. 23, 1129-40

  • Sawada K, Sato T, Hamajima H, Jayakody LN, Hirata M, Yamashiro M, Tajima M, Mitsutake S, Nagao K, Tsuge K, Abe F, Hanada K, Kitagaki H (2015) Glucosylceramide contained in mold-cultured cereal confers membrane and flavor modification and stress tolerance to Saccaromyces cerevisiae during coculture fermentation. Applied and Enviromental Microbiology.doi:10.1128/AEM.00454-15

  • Florian Fröhlich, Romain Christiano, Daniel K. Olson, Abel Alcazar-Romana, Pietro DeCamilli, Tobias C. Walther (2014) A role for eisosomes in maintenance of plasma membrane phosphoinositide levels. Mol Biol Cell. 25,2797-806.

  • Kitagawa S, Sugiyama M, Motoyama T, Abe F. (2013) Soy peptides enhance yeast cell growth at low temperatures. Biotechnol Lett. 35, 375-82. 

  • Lui J, Castelli LM, Pizzinga M, Simpson CE, Hoyle NP, Bailey KL, Campbell SG, Ashe MP (2014) Granules harboring translationally active mRNAs provide a platform for P-body formation following stress. Cell Rep. 9, 944-54.

  • Cherkasov V, Hofmann S, Druffel-Augustin S, Mogk A, Tyedmers J, Stoecklin G, Bukau B(2013)Coordination of translational control and protein homeostasis during severe heat stress. Curr Biol. 23, 2452-62. 

  • Megan C. Lewickia, Tharan Srikumara ,Erica Johnsonb, Brian Raughta (2014) The S. cerevisiae SUMO stress response is a conjugation–deconjugation cycle that targets the transcription machinery. J Proteomics. pii: S1874-3919(14)00546-6. 

2012 Kyoto Institute of Technology. Yeast group. All Rights Reserved.

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